The boys finally heard from their parents and, understandably, could not have been more delighted. The mean widow Aubert's words were now proven to have been wrong, as the parents had survived in spite of it all!

Letter from Ernest

Vernoux, October 22, 1944

Dear all,

Today I received your letter of the 12th with which we were delighted. We were very surprised in getting this letter. But now, we are waiting for the day when you will come and fetch us. We are in good health; we got taller and bigger.

We're on a farm. We haven't moved ever since we left the Chateau du Masgelier. We are with a widow, kind of old. Here there are chestnuts and apples of which we eat a lot, which is what proves our good health.

Certificat d'Etudes PrimairesAlfred took the exam for the Certificate on May 13, and passed. I took the exam for the D.E.P.P., the "Diplome," on October 13, 1944 and passed. We did not hear your message as we have neither radio nor even electricity. Many regards to everybody. I close, waiting for the day you come and get us.


We changed our name and took the name of MAURICET.
Address: Ernest & Alfred Mauricet
c/o Mme Vve Aubert at "la Blachette" near Vernoux (Ardèche)